The film tells the story of Natalia, 35, who at the age of 16 was married off under compulsion, directly from the orphanage. In an isolated house in the countryside Natalia lives a hard and solitary life together with her spouse, a brutal and narrow-minded man. After the death of her unloved husband Natalia gains a second life, the real one. She opens her eyes to a new world, free from habit and prejudice, imposed by the will and force of others. Natalia changes rapidly as the world around her begins to play an important role in her story. The open spaces, the river and the forest participate in the creation of a new Natalia; the same does her encounter with the trucker Sergei. From now on she is in the mood for love… This ingenuous story told in a contemporary cinematographic language conceals a kind of parable: whatever happens to you, there still remains a possibility for happiness and freedom.
Cast: Ksenija Kutepova, Dmitrijs Djuževs
Directed by Vera Storoževa