Babylen Tatarsky has found a place for himself in modern times. He works at an advertising agency that introduces and adapts foreign brands for a ‘Russian mentality’. This clever and sometimes unbelievably funny film, rife with special effects and surprising revelations uses simple language to talk about a complicated situation, in which former Young Pioneers have to start a new life in the advertising industry.
The film is an adaptation of Victor Pelevin’s novel Generation ‘П’. Throughout the plot, many hallucinations are used, including Che Guevara’s speech on the degrading influence of television on humans. However, within this deformed reality a carefully reconstructed atmosphere of 90s Moscow (the background of the film’s action) can be clearly felt.
Cast: Владимир Епифанцев, Михаил Ефремов, Андрей Фомин, Сергей Шнуров, Владимир Меньшов, Иван Охлобыстин, Рената Литвинова и др.
Directed by: Виктор Гинзбург