Flight to the Moon, which seemed to all as a very distant dream turns into a human tragedy. Going to space as a winner and a chosen one, Stas finds himself in a world where time destroys everything material, except for the spirit which is indestructible.
If the usual doesn’t attract you, if you are able to see the thin fabric behind the external plot, this Space is for you. This film - a vision of a Spanish director of never disclosed facts about the flights of the Soviet cosmonauts to the Moon, sensory awareness, contradictions, striving to the romance of discovery and emerging love of a person - who took off and never came back, to the one remained.
This story is based on the real lunar program of the Soviet Union dated 1967. A complex love triangle builds between space and Earth. Stas talks to her, she can only receive the signal, but can not respond.
Spanish director Nicolas Alcala considers Andrey Tarkovsky as his teacher and inspiration, so the "Cosmonaut" breathes traditions from "Solaris." The film is presented in four festivals: Louisiana International Film Festival, Imagine Science Film Festival (Quito), Cinema at the Edge Festival (LA), New York Film Festival. The score for the film was written by Tarkovsky's favorite composer - Eduard Artemyev.