Four young scientists achieve superhuman abilities through a teleportation experiment gone haywire. They must now use these abilities to save the world from a uprising tyrant.
Four young scientists achieve superhuman abilities through a teleportation experiment gone haywire. They must now use these abilities to save the world from a uprising tyrant.
Fantastic Four 1 (US) Fantastic 4 (US) Fantastic Four 1 - 4mal die Action (DE) Los cuatro fantásticos (ES) 판타스틱 4 (KR) Los 4 fantásticos (AR) Les Fant4stiques (CA) Los 4 fantásticos (CL) ארבעת המופלאים (IL) I fantastici quattro (IT) 마블 판타스틱 4 (KR) 판타스틱4 (KR) แฟนแทสติก โฟร์ สี่พลังคนกายสิทธิ์ (TH) Fant4stic (US) Fantastic Four 03 Fantastic Four (US)