Michael Healey

Michael Healey

Michael Healey is a Canadian playwright and actor. He graduated from the acting programme at Toronto's Ryerson Theatre School in 1985. His acting credits include the plays of Jason Sherman (The League of Nathans, Reading Hebron and Three in the Back, Two in the Head) and George F. Walker (The End of Civilization, Better Living).

Учавствовал в создании

Spider-man 2 (2004)

IMDB: 7.4 (657340 голосов)
Брюс Всемогущий (2003)

IMDB: 6.7 (340,974 голосов)
The Bourne Identity (2002)

IMDB: 7.9 (553083 голосов)
We Were Soldiers (2002)

IMDB: 7.2 (125875 голосов)
Миссия невыполнима 2 (2000)

IMDB: 6.1 (302159 голосов)
Лжец, лжец (1997)

IMDB: 6.9 (269539 голосов)