Keith VanderLaan

Keith VanderLaan

Keith VanderLaan is a makeup artist. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Makeup for his work in The Passion of the Christ (2004) at the 77th Academy Awards. He shared his nomination with Christien Tinsley.In addition he has won an Emmy Award for makeup.


Учавствовал в создании

Апокалипсис (2006)

IMDB: 7.8 (279205 голосов)
Страсти Христовы (2004)

IMDB: 7.1 (205739 голосов)
Соучастник (2004)

IMDB: 7.5 (345963 голосов)
Контакт (1997)

IMDB: 7.4 (243127 голосов)