Dominic Thompson

Dominic Thompson

Dominic "Dom" Thompson is a fictional character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street who was portrayed by Shane Cortese from 2003 to 2004. Dom arrived as the brother of established character Toni Thompson (Laura Hill) however soon after arrival, was revealed as the half brother of Chris Warner (Michael Galvin). Initially appearing as a protagonist, Dom soon developed into a much more sinister character who was key to several high-profile storylines. These included his marriage to Emily Bredican (Sarah Somerville), affair with 16-year-old Delphi Greenlaw (Anna Hutchison), a rivalry with Chris Warner after discovering they were not related, murdering Geoff Greenlaw (Andrew Laing), his controversial return on the shows 3000th episode, his murder of Avril Lucich (Kate Louise-Elliott) and a dramatic conclusion episode in December 2004 that saw Dom die after trying to murder Chris. Dom's two-year-long stint saw the show receive huge ratings and the period be remembered as a well done and iconic season. The character remains mentioned and referred to as a menacing and monumental character who brought the show back its excitement.

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