Zehu Ze! was a long-running Israeli entertainment television program produced by Israeli Educational Television and broadcast on the Israeli Channel 1 and Channel 2 on which the IETV has special broadcasting hours. The program ran regularly from 1978 to 1998.
The program was first promoted as a youth program. It was originally several comedy segments. From the start of the 1980s, the whole episode focused on one subject. The show's length was about one hour and it was shown live on Thursdays at 4pm; re-runs were shown the next day at 1:30pm.
Due to its quality, and the status of the Israeli Channel 1 as Israel's only channel until 1993, the show became very popular.
Plots of the episodes revolved around different subjects related to life in Israel, fashions like Folk dancing, tributes to classics like Charlie Chaplin movies, or contemporary series like The Simpsons and Dallas.