Zaldy Goco (born 1966), also known mononymously as Zaldy, is a Filipino American fashion designer. In 1995, he was featured as a model in a British television advertisement for Levi's. Zaldy was named one of Out magazine's Out 100 in 2006. He was the costume designer for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" tour, Lady Gaga's "Monster Ball Tour, and Britney Spears's "Femme Fatale Tour". Zaldy designed the costumes for the Cirque du Soleil shows Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour, Michael Jackson: One, and Volta. He was also the head designer for Gwen Stefani's fashion line L.A.M.B. He has received three Emmy nominations, winning in 2017 and 2018, for Outstanding Costumes for a Variety, Nonfiction, or Reality Programming due to his work on RuPaul's Drag Race.