In the center of the plot are modern heroes who have taken the path of fighting crime. This drama played out against the backdrop of the terrorist attack. Graduates of the 11 “A” class meet again with their school teacher, but now they are forced to move from theory to practice and save not only their lives, but also the lives of other people.
The film is set during 1962 in Sevastopol, Crimea, then a secret Navy Base in the Soviet Union. General Serov hires Viktor, a cadet from the Kremlin Guard to work as his private chauffeur. In a jet-black "ZIM" limo, Viktor is chauffeuring the General's disabled daughter Vera. Viktor is oblivious to the hidden agenda of the KGB agent Saveliev, who manipulates everyone behind the scenes in the old rivalry between the Army and KGB.
Just a bet in a gamble called life. The cynical rebel is trying his fate over and over again, not considering that this is a dangerous rival. Once the game ends in defeat: the arrogant beauty loses everything at once. A successful journalist turns into a desperate old woman and ends up in a nursing home ...
A gunshot suddenly breaks the silence of the school hallways. A desperate history teacher holds her whole class hostage. But very soon the situation will change, and the teacher herself will become a hostage.
Эмма Пономарева только что окончила школу. Она молода, красива, влюблена и счастлива! Ее избранник - двадцатилетний Игорь Волков. Он души не чает в своей Эмме. Им кажется, что так будет всегда, но обстоятельства складываются против них. Игорь оказывается в армии, откуда его отправляют в Чечню, где он пропадает без вести. Эмма, беременная его ребенком, под напором матери выходит замуж за бизнесмена, способного поправить неважно идущие дела магазина. Когда она уже смирилась с потерей возлюбленного, он возвращается в город...
У девушки Даши, приехавшей с подругой «покорять» Москву, редкая специальность — преподаватель техники речи, а жизнь — самая обыкновенная: съемная квартира, невысокие гонорары и занятия с утра до вечера. Однажды Даша получает выгодное предложение — дать уроки преуспевающему бизнесмену Владу, участвующему в политических выборах. У героев начинается бурный роман. Но случайная встреча с женой Влада заставляет Дашу взглянуть на происходящее совсем с другой стороны. И Влад оказывается совсем не героем романа и вовсе не мужчиной мечты…
Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LP’s by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.
In a poor provincial town, the ragamuffin boys are frenziedly drilled for combat, and at nights the local elite, gathered in a pool room, boasts of fictitious biographies, while bands of boys amuse themselves with bloody fights on trashy vacant plots… One of the most vivid staples of the postwar childhood were pigeons. They could be bought, sold or stolen. One day a beautiful white dove appeared over the town. Risking his life, Ivan caught the White. And immediately became the target of the "pigeon" mafia…
Two colleagues go to fetch the body of their co-worker from a neighboring town where that man died unexpectedly. As this person has no kin, the director of the factory chooses to send Markerants and Mityagin to deal with the whole business. And here the adventures begin...