After college, Rikuo Uozumi, a boy without much ambition in life, takes on a job at a convenience store. The days pass by uneventfully for Rikuo until he meets his former girlfriend and classmate, but especially thanks to the unusual Haru Nonaka, and her pet raven...
Set in a world where the concept of music ceases to exist. the story begins when a boy encounters Myuu, a mysterious girl who possesses an audio input jack in her body. The two intermingle with the history of rock music and embark on an unforgettable journey.
"Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. But by the blade of Knights, Mankind was given hope."
The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest themselves through darkness to devour Humanity. On the frontlines are the Makai Knights, given the task of watching over a district and eliminating any Horrors that manifest there.
GARO follows the tales of the Knights bearing the title of ‘Golden Knight Garo’, and their duty to vanquish the Horrors and protect Humanity from the darkness.
The adventures of billionaire Scrooge McDuck and his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, their famous uncle Donald Duck, pilot extraordinaire Launchpad, Mrs. Beakly, Webby and Roboduck. Adventures and hidden treasures are everywhere, in their hometown Duckburg and all around the world.
SamSam, the smallest of the great heroes, has still not discovered his first superpower, while at home and at school, everyone has one! Faced with the worry of his parents and the mockery of his comrades, he goes in search of this hidden power. With the help of Mega, the new mysterious student of his school, Samsam embarks on this adventure full of cosmic monsters ...
7 mini-movies starring your favorite characters from Despicable Me, HOP and Dr. Seuss' The Lorax come together in 1 exciting collection! It's fun the whole family can enjoy again and again!
The Once-Lers are told by the owner that they can sit on the wagon and that it had better not move. They and the donkey nod in agreement. The Once-Lers try to get the donkey to move. He won't move. The small Once-Ler taunts the donkey with what looks like an apple in front of him on a long pole the he's off. Did they get the wagon back in time? Yes, but what transpired from start to finish?
Two mischievous kids hypnotize their mean elementary school principal and turn him into their comic book creation, the kind-hearted and elastic-banded Captain Underpants.
A young reindeer who suffers from vertigo learns to overcome his fear, takes flying lessons from a clumsy flying squirrel and heads to the North pole to save a troubled Santa and his fleet of flying reindeer.
Kingdom of Jamkard, ancient Persia. After defeating the armies of Ahriman, embodiment of evil, King Jamshid, bearer of the light of Divine Power, abandons his people blinded by pride, determined to conquer new lands. Thus, by chance, Zahhaak becomes regent and undertakes the reconstruction of the devastated capital. But then Ahriman, who dwells in the heart of every human being, begins to poison his tormented soul…