When Jack Archer (Chase Williamson) gets the opportunity to finally direct a feature-length film, he doesn’t expect sleazy producer Bob Moseby (Chris Browning) to ask him to film a real murder! With his own life on the line and the days counting down, Jack doesn’t know how to do what’s right and save himself.
Philip, a solitary proof reader, is trapped in his apartment, too afraid to leave and tortured by an unknown evil force that has kept him prisoner for the last two years.
Havana, early 90’s. René González, a Cuban pilot, steals a plane and flees Cuba, leaving behind his beloved wife and daughter. He starts a new life in Miami. Other Cuban defectors soon follow and start a spy network. Their mission is to infiltrate violent anti-Castroist organizations responsible for terror attacks on the island.
Peppino, a retired hitman for the Camorra, has now fully passed on his job and know-how to his single son, Nino. But when Nino is brutally assassinated, the old man is back in business to take revenge. Aside his everlasting love Rita and his longtime henchman Totò, Peppino will go to any lengths, even if it means bringing the Camorra down.
An ambitious young FBI agent is assigned to investigate iconic actress Jean Seberg when she becomes embroiled in the tumultuous civil rights movement in late 1960s Los Angeles.
A Romanian police officer, determined to free from prison a crooked businessman who knows where a mobster's money is hidden, must learn the difficult ancestral language (Silbo Gomero) used on the island of Gomera.
Nine translators have been picked by a ruthless publisher and locked in a luxury bunker to translate the highly anticipated book of a famous author in record time. Although the translators are confined to prevent any kind of leak because of the high financial stakes, a crisis erupts when someone posts the first 10 pages of the novel online and blackmails the publisher to pay 5 million euros. A hunt for the culprit inside the bunker unfolds.
After receiving a cryptic letter from his estranged father, Norval travels to his dad’s oceanfront home for what he hopes will be a positive experience. If only he’d known the dark truth about his old man beforehand.
Jackie Brown is a middle-aged airline stewardess who supplements her income by smuggling arms for crime kingpin Ordell Robbie. One day she is caught and the agents offer her a deal in order to apprehend Robbie. Robbie, however, is onto the threat and tries to have Brown eliminated. What follows is a dangerous game of bluff, deceit and betrayal.
John McClain, a new York City cop flys to LA to visit his wife at a Christmas party. But when twelve terrorist attack the building at the same night, McCain is the only hope of saving everybody. With nothing but a handgun and his wits he is forced to take on Hans Gruber and his fellow terrorists.