Zettai Reido is a Japanese police procedural television drama. The first season, subtitled Mikaiketsu Jiken Tokumei Sōsa, was set in a fictional version of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department division that specializes in investigating cold cases, which is based on an actual division established in Japan in 2009. The first season aired from April 13 to June 22, 2010 on Fuji TV's Kakku time-slot. It premiered to a 18% rating. A special two-hour long episode which served as conclusion to the first series was aired on July 8, 2011.
Season two of Zettai Reido, subtitled Tokushu Hanzai Sennyū Sōsa takes place a year after the events of the special episode, after Sakuragi and her fellow detectives have been transferred to the undercover investigation division which deals with current crimes. The second season aired from July 12 to September 20, 2011 on Fuji TV's Kakku time-slot. It premiered to a 15.4% rating and ended with a season-high rating of 16.3%. The last leg of the second season featured guest star appearances by Yūsuke Santamaria and You Yokoyama.
The story of Captain Amalia Ortega, leader of a secret unit, whose mission is to capture the most wanted Mexican drug trafficker, putting both her profession and family's life at risk.
The true stories of people who lived with a killer. How well do you really know your family? Would you recognize the warning signs? Or would you become entangled in evil?
A young girl is murdered near Opole. Terrifying body mutilations and marks left in place indicate ritual murder. The matter is being dealt with by Commissioner Agnieszka Polkowska. Due to the extraordinary cruelty of the crime and the suspicion that the perpetrator may be a serial killer, the case is interested in the Provincial Headquarters. Polkowska, to her dissatisfaction, is assigned to the investigation of Commissioner Tomasz Mrówiec. At that time, Piotr Wolnicki, lectures on religious studies at the Opole university. He permanently works and lives with his family in a beautiful home. Already at the beginning of the academic year, the man chooses his humble and intelligent student Ewa Banach as his favorite. The girl does not know that her lecturer hides a dark secret.
After a miscarriage of justice that has led her behind bars, Constance Meyer has decided to take a new career path. At age 50, the farmer and mayor of her village became a student at the National School of the Judiciary.
Detective Charlie Hudson teams up with what he calls his "highly trained law enforcement animal" German Shepherd dog named Rex who he prefers to team up with because he doesn't talk his ear off.
Claire lost her husband Gabriel during the tsunami in 2004. His body was never found. 15 years later, Claire has a new life with Lukas and her son Zack. After a decade of mourning and professional purgatory, she has just landed a dream job in Abu Dhabi. One night, Claire is having dinner and sees Gabriel's reflection in a window.
Hoping to leave her past behind and start anew, Laila strikes a deal that prompts her to marry and live with Emad, a mentally-challenged man. However, their life together gets complicated when henious crimes take place at their living place each Friday.
Tae Pyeong is a prophet. When he looks into someone's eye, he can see the moment right before they die. Tae Pyeong is smart, rich and handsome. Despite his special ability, he is a bright person. A mysterious serial murder case draws Tae Pyeong's attention. He partners with Detective Joon Young to solve the string of murders.