Tells the story of a tribal person hailing from the Kurumba tribe, who ekes out a living by collecting honey. The story unfolds the difficulties the central character has to go through when environmental changes occur due to irresponsible human activities, leading to scarcity of honey. It also portrays his fight against the challenges and how he eventually adapts to the changing environmental conditions.
The story of a middle-class man who works for a special cell of the National Investigation Agency. While he tries to protect the nation from terrorists, he also has to protect his family from the impact of his secretive, high-pressure, and low paying job.
The story of Womance goals, women having each others back, all of them changing and bending the rules and earning a quick buck while they enjoy themselves.
Honing a quiet strength, Lata, a 23 year old domestic worker, navigates her way through an upper class home in South Mumbai. Doors consistently open and close, giving Lata selective access to the various contending realities that occupy this space.
Raghu faces the biggest test of his life when he is a prime suspect in a high-profile murder case. Meera, his ex-girlfriend is closing onto him at the same time. Will the truth prevail or will the case get murkier?
Shaurya, a male chauvinist who believes that every girl's future belongs in the kitchen, is in for a surprise when he crosses paths with Anokhi, a hardworking girl.