Sunchild Productions

Baxter, Vera Baxter | France
6.6 (180 votes)
In response to a new friend's queries, Vera recounts the story of her life, beginning with marrying her no-good husband Cayre, who has been using her for some time as a kind of unpaid prostitute in order to keep his failing building business afloat.

La femme du Gange | France
6.7 (81 votes)
A man returns to the place he once lived a passionate love affair with a woman who is now dead. So powerful are the emotions that seize him that he imagines she is still alive, and begins to live as if this were the case...

Barocco | France
6.1 (651 votes)
A woman falls in love with the man who killed her former boyfriend.

Duelle | France
7.3 (1123 votes)
The Daughter of the Moon battles the Daughter of the Sun over a magical diamond that will allow the winner to remain on Earth, specifically in modern day Paris.