Neue Schönhauser Filmproduktion

Zimmer 205 - Traust du dich rein? | Germany
5.2 (722 votes)
Katrine is excited to be moving into her own dorm room at university, leaving her over-protected father and the memory of her breakdown behind her. Enjoying her new found freedom things soon turn ugly though as she falls foul of the local ‘in’ crowd, who start to bully her. Katrine discovers that this group were responsible for the death of the previous occupant of the room, who is now out for revenge and becomes trapped in the middle of this nightmare. Inspired by (but in no way a copy of) Candyman and Ringu, Room 205 is an effective chiller that oozes tension as it builds to its shocking climax.

Die Mitte der Welt | Germany| Austria
7.2 (4136 votes)
A strange family: 17-year-old Phil lives with his mother and twin sister in an old mansion on the outskirts of town. When he returns from summer camp, the mood in the mansion has soured somehow. Phil doesn’t worry about it, hanging out with his best friend Kat instead. When he starts to feel attracted to a mysterious new student at school, Phil is plunged into emotional turmoil only exacerbated by the trouble at home.

Sein letztes Rennen | Germany
7.1 (2383 votes)
A former Olympic champion wants to compete in the Berlin Marathon one last time.