A fast-paced quiz show in which four contestants who do not know each other join forces in a dramatic and question-filled brain battle against a professional quizzer, known as the “chaser”, who attempts to prevent them from winning a cash prize. The contestants must battle the “chaser” in fast and tense trivia battles to succeed in defeating him together as a group and win the money.
Two neighbors in their late 40’s – a single woman and a newly separated man – find themselves living door- to- door in the same apartment building , and embark on enter a hesitant, obstacle-filled romantic relationship.
A comic series telling the tale of a failing supermarket in a backwards town and following the daily events that take place within the supermarket.
The series goes into the details of everything we don’t know about the behind the scenes occurrences in the supermarket – the relationships between the employees forced to work in a place they feel no loyalty for, the customers with their baseless and petty demands, the management’s abusive attitude towards the employees, and the private lives of the workers at the bottom of the employment hierarchy.