When her younger brother Charlie unexpectedly disappears into the magical, animated universe of PLAYMOBIL®, unprepared Marla must go on the quest of a lifetime to bring him home. As she sets off on a fantastic journey across stunning new worlds, Marla teams up with some unlikely and heroic new friends – the smooth talking food truck driver Del, the dashing secret agent Rex Dasher, a wholehearted robot, an extravagant fairy-godmother.
At the heart of it all is The Little Girl, who's being prepared by her mother for the very grownup world in which they live - only to be interrupted by her eccentric neighbor, The Aviator. The Aviator introduces his new friend to an extraordinary world that he himself was initiated into long ago by The Little Prince. It's where The Little Girl rediscovers her childhood and learns that it is only with heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.