
Zelta Zirgs | Latvia
Unknown genere
The old witch Black Mother seeks to control the world thorough sadness, by draining the tears of all who suffer loss. Her latest target is the Princess, whose demise should prompt enough tears to grant her absolute power. During a picnic in the woods, Black Mother entraps the Princess and soon encases her in a glass coffin. But her powerful nemesis, old White Father, intercedes to set up an obstacle. He raises from the site an impossibly tall and steep ice mountain, at the top of which stands a chapel where the Princess will sleep for seven years and seven days before Black Mother can have her. Cast: Edgars Kaufelds, Zane Dombrovska, Laima Vaikule, Uldis Dumpis, Edgars Lipors, Jānis Kirmuška, Ģirts Jakovļevs, Inese Ramute, Gunārs Placēns, Andris Bērziņš, Jānis Jarāns, Pēteris Šogolovs, Dainis Porgants Directed by Reinis Kalnaellis

Bezmiegs | Latvia
She comes at night, quiet as a cat, to take his sleep away until he feeds her. All she needs is milk brought by him somewhere between sleep and reality. Her name is Insomnia.