Loin Derrière L'Oural

Ni a vendre ni a louer | France
No matter if you’re a punk, a pensioner, a family man, a nudist, or an umbrella salesman! No matter how you get there – a thumb ride, rev up your convertible so that the breeze riffles your hair, or slam your foot on the gas in a bubble car – it’s time to head for the Atlantic Ocean! A colourful and delightfully humouresque film, a sort of homage to Jacques Tati’s Mr. Hulot’s Holiday and also inspired by Blake Edwards, Aki Kaurismäki, and Jacques Demy, Holidays by the Sea aims for an almost dialogue-less burlesque comedy. Cast: Jacques Gamblin, Maria de Medeiros, François Damiens, François Morel, Dominique Pinon Directed by: Pascal Rabate