Ukrainian State Film Agency

Клондайк | Ukraine| Turkey
6.9 (1512 votes)
The story of a Ukrainian family living on the border of Russia and Ukraine during the start of the war. Irka refuses to leave her house even as the village gets captured by armed forces. Shortly after they find themselves at the center of an international air crash catastrophe on July 17, 2014.

1918: The Battle of Kruty | Ukraine
6 (902 votes)
The screening of the film takes place within the Ukrainian Film Days. More information about the project: Ukraine, 1918. As a Bolshevik army of about 4.000 men, commanded by General Muravyov, advances towards Kyiv, with the aim of capturing the city, a small Ukrainian unit of 400 soldiers -about 300 of which are students- is resisting near the railroad station of Kruty. The clash between the opposite and unequal forces rages, with terrible fury. Young people, like Spartan soldiers, sacrifice themselves in a struggle against aggressors. The film is in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, French and German with subtitles in Latvian. Donation ticket 6 Eur. Fundraising for supporting the Ukrainian film industry during the war. To support cinematographers who suffered due to the full-scale Russian aggression. Campaign is being held by Ukrainian National Film Centre (Ukrainian Derzhkino).

Стоп-Земля | Ukraine
7.3 (1175 votes)
Hanging out with friends, smoking a lot, spinning bottles and kissing, making mistakes, playing, refusing to accept, dreaming with open eyes - life as a teenager can be overwhelmingly beautiful and difficult at the same time. In her debut, the Ukrainian director composes a deeply emotional and multi-layered portrait of a generation whilst seamlessly flowing between the fictional and the documental.