No Dokuz Productions

Gizli Saklı | Turkey
6.9 (483 votes)
Naz has just graduated from the police academy and lives with her mother and uncle, who are protective characters. In order to take down a mafia boss, the police force decides to utilize Naz and the insane police officer Pamir together for a secret mission. Like a newly married couple, Pamir and Naz will move across the mafia family's house and gain Tarık Koşuoğlu's trust and bring him to justice.

Baraj | Turkey
5.4 (295 votes)
Nazım meets Nehir on an internet dating site. They didn't see each other until Nehir sent her own photo. Thinking that Nehir is very beautiful and younger than him, Nazım hesitates to send his own photo and sends Tarık's photo. As Nehir likes Tarık in the photo and surprisingly comes to the Dam, things get complicated.