Boomerang TV

Cómo mandarlo todo a la mierda | Spain
5.7 (129 votes)
Alba is a young woman who's finding it hard to fit in at the new high school where she recently started studying. She finds out terrible news: the school trip at the end of the school year is canceled. Her plans to leave home are ruined, but she's fortunate enough to find out that some of her classmates have the perfect plan to convince their parents that the trip is still on. They decide to steal a van from the brother of one of the kids and hit the road for three weeks. The plan? To have no plan and wander around aimlessly, improvising. They just need to follow a few rules: they cannot publish anything on social networks, have to be constantly on the move, and cannot turn around.

Dos vidas | Spain
7.4 (61 votes)
The story of Julia, a woman currently living out the life that her mother and future husband have planned for her. But just as she is about to get married, she discovers a great family secret that will change her forever. On the verge of a nervous breakdown, she decides to get away and finds refuge in a secluded town in the mountains of Madrid where she will have a complicated mission: to take control of her own destiny.

Inés del alma mía | Chile| Spain| Peru
7.1 (431 votes)
This is a romantic historical drama based on the true story of the first woman "conquistador" who went to the South American land that would become Chile, and helped to form the city of Santiago.