A romantic comedy anthology series which follows a different protagonist each season on the journey from first love to last love, with each half-hour episode chronicling one of their relationships. The first season centers on Darby, who runs a "historically significant butts" tour for a company headed by McNairy's Bradley.
Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) puts together a team of agents to investigate the new, the strange and the unknown around the globe, protecting the ordinary from the extraordinary.
Gerrie, Richard, Rikkert, Robbie and Barry from Maaskantje are in a big fight with the village of Schijndel. When a zombie kills someone from Brabant, things get out of hand.
Parents-to-be Elliott and Jackie embark on a quest for self-actualization before the imminent birth of their first child in this strikingly honest and hilarious portrait of parents and children.
In the future, capital punishment has been abolished. Violent criminals are reprogrammed into unquestioning servants, their free will and ability to speak taken away. A young woman endures her punishment of servitude in a seemingly normal man's home, where she discovers dark secrets.
A musical love letter and tribute to the victims in horror films that didn’t make it to the sequel. In an anthemic song the dead unite across genres and time.