Luna Kunath (Caroline Erikson) and Tamara Meurer (Anjua Pahl) work together in the Potsdam murder commission. Luna is single, strong, assertive, funny, empathic, sporty and fast in the head. It is an excellent policewoman whose carefree always accompanies with a little naivety and brings you again and again in brenzy situations. Tamara, however, has more mature, adult.
The two of the boss Bernhard Henschel (Michael Lott) and the colleagues David Grünbaum (Omar El-Saeidi), Christoph Westermann (Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen), lail-sure Thomas Brandner (Yung No) and legal physician Werner Vense (Bernd Stegemann). Potsdam, Berlin's pretty little sister, confronts the commissars again and again with a wide variety of life effects. However, the team not only determines in Potsdam, but must always be out of the surrounding area. Because the crime does not stop at the city limit.
Ordinace v růžové zahradě je původní český televizní seriál z lékařského prostředí, který vysílá televize Nova. Seriál se začal vysílat 6. září 2005. Nejprve vyprávěl životní osudy lékařů soukromé gynekologické kliniky, jejich příbuzných a přátel, od 15. ledna 2008 se seriál pod názvem Ordinace v růžové zahradě 2 zaměřuje na prostředí chirurgie, plastické chirurgie a pediatrie. Děj se odehrává ve fiktivní obci Kamenice.
Join host Aaron Pedersen as he takes audiences on a journey around Australia, exploring the country’s iconic wildlife, its unique landscapes and the great oceans that surround it in the new series Australia Remastered.
Explore some of Australia's most iconic and fascinating animals. From mysterious orca to the iconic kangaroo, intelligent parrots and the secret lives of reptiles, all have evolved to survive across the Australian landscape.
A reality program in which female K-pop idols in their twenties join a “running crew” to seek out beautiful natural running courses in South Korea. The show follows a new trend called “run-trips,” where people travel for the sake of finding new and beautiful places to go running.
A companion series to “The Curse of Oak Island,” this series gives new viewers a crash course into what “The Curse of Oak Island” is all about. The series features different guests, including interviews and in-depth and thought provoking discussions surrounding “The Curse of Oak Island.” Oak Island has intrigued treasure hunters for hundreds of years, as it is believed to hold one of the greatest treasures of all time, but nobody can find it. Two brothers from Michigan have bought the rights to much of the island so that they can attempt to crack the mystery of the curse and find the treasure.
Dave Kindig, owner and operator of Kindig-It Design, turns out unique vehicles for his demanding (and sometimes famous) clientele. From rendering and design to building and restoring, viewers see vehicles being made from the ground up before being revealed to the car's owner.
In a world very much like our own, great race horses of the past have a chance to be reborn as "horse girls"—girls with the ears and tails of horses as well as their speed and endurance. The best of these horse girls go to train at Tokyo's Tracen Academy, hopefully moving on to fame and fortune as both racers and idols.
Special Week, a high school horse girl from the countryside, has just transferred to Tracen, and she's determined to fulfill her promise to her mother to become the best horse girl in Japan. On her way to school, she takes a pit stop at the race track and instantly falls in love with Silence Suzuka's style, becoming determined to race on the same team as her.
As long as hearts exist inside people, there will always be those who suffer.
And then something "strange" enters their mind and causes a strange disease to manifest itself in the body.
The illness, which is called a "mystery disease" is unknown to most, but certainly exists.
There is a doctor and apprentice who fights the disease, which modern medicine cannot cure.
His name is Ramune.
He acts freely all the time, is foul-mouthed, and doesn’t even look like a doctor!
However, once he is confronted with the mysterious disease, he is able to quickly uncover the root cause of his patients' deep-seated distress and cure them.
And beyond that...
In the world of Wixoss, the card game, players are invited to play as avatar versions of themselves; in this well-known game, the most popular way to play is participating in "Diva Battles," where players compete to gain fans.
The anime centers on Reki, a second-year high school student who loves skateboarding, and gets caught up in "S," an underground and dangerous skateboard race at an abandoned mine with no rules. Ranga, who has returned to Japan from Canada and has never skateboarded before, also gets wrapped up in S along with Reki. Dirty racers, AI racers, and other unique individuals compete in the "youth skateboard race battle.