R | 1 h 29 min | Thriller | Horror
IMDB 4.3 / 10 (1762 votes)

Escape the Field (2022)

Escape the Field | United States of America| Canada
Escape the Field - poster

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Клаустрофобы. Долина дьявола 👽 Русский трейлер 👽 Фильм 2022

Alternative titles
Escape the Field (US)
Escape the Field (GB)
Escape the Field (AE)
Escape the Field (TR)
Escape the Field (SE)
Escape the Field (ES)
Escape the Field (ZA)
Escape the Field (KR)
Escape the Field (SG)
Клаустрофобы. Долина дьявола (RU)
Escape the Field (PL)
Escape the Field (PH)
Escape the Field (NL)
Escape the Field (IT)
לברוח מהשדה (IL)
Escape the Field (ID)
Escape the Field (IN)
Escape the Field (DE)
Escape the Field (FR)
Escape the Field (CA)
Поле на смъртта (BG)
Release dates
28.07.2022 (RU)
06.05.2022 (US)
09.05.2022 (GB)

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