In 2001, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas), having served his time for securities fraud, money laundering and racketeering, steps outside the gates of a Federal Correctional Facility a changed man. No longer the king of Wall Street, Gekko is unshaven, his hair unkempt. No one is there to meet him, not even his daughter Winnie.
In 2008 Jake Moore (Shia LaBeouf), a smart young proprietary trader, is making millions at the venerable Keller Zabel Investments, run by Louis Zabel (Frank Langella), Jake’s mentor.
A wave of rumors that Keller Zabel is stuck with billions in toxic debt causes the company’s stock price to suddenly nose-dive, and Louis Zabel is forced to fight for his company’s life at a meeting of the Federal Reserve. When the government refuses a bail-out, Bretton James (Josh Brolin), a partner at the powerful investment bank, Churchill Schwartz, arranges a takeover of Keller Zabel for a fraction of its worth.
Now deeply in debt himself, his employment at risk, and suffering the loss of his mentor, Jake attends a lecture at Fordham University given by Gordon Gekko, who is promoting his new book, Is Greed Good?
Unbeknownst to his girlfriend Winnie, Jake seeks out Gekko and offers to help facilitate a rapprochement with his daughter, while Gekko offers Jake information as to why Louis Zabel was betrayed by his fellow bankers. An alliance is thus formed in order for Jake to avenge Keller Zabel’s fall, and to help Gekko rebuild a relationship with Winnie. But has Gekko truly shed his reptilian skin?
Cast: Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Frank Langella, Carey Mulligan, Josh Brolin, Susan Sarandon, Eli Wallach, Charlie Sheen, Vanessa Ferlito
Directed by: Oliver Stone
Produced by: Alex Young
Writter: Allan Loeb