Paramount Pictures and Columbia Pictures Present a 3D Motion Capture Film “The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn” directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Jamie Bell (“Billy Elliot,” “Defiance”) as Tintin, the intrepid young reporter whose relentless pursuit of a good story thrusts him into a world of high adventure, and Daniel Craig (“Quantum of Solace,” “Defiance”) as the nefarious Red Rackham.
Based on the series of books The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé, the film is produced by Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Kathleen Kennedy.
Cast: Jamie Bell, Simon Pegg, Daniel Craig, Nick Frost, Andy Serkis, Cary Elwes
Director: Steven Spielberg
Script: Steven Moffat
Producer: Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg
Movie is available in 3D.