Bridget Jones is becoming uncomfortable in her relationship with Mark Darcy. Apart from discovering that he's a conservative voter, she has to deal with a new boss, a strange contractor and the worst vacation of her life.
Bridget Jones is becoming uncomfortable in her relationship with Mark Darcy. Apart from discovering that he's a conservative voter, she has to deal with a new boss, a strange contractor and the worst vacation of her life.
Bridget Jones: Al borde de la razón (AR) Bridzhit Dzhouns: Na rŭba na razuma (BG) Bridget Jones 2 - The Edge of Reason (CA) Bridget Jones L'âge 2 raison (FR) Bridget Jones l'âge de raison (FR) bridget jones l age de raison (FR) Bridget Jones: I epomeni selida (GR) Bridget Jonesui ilgi: Yeoljeong aejeong (KR) Bridžit Džouns: Na ivici razuma (RS) Bridzhit Dzhons: Grani razumnogo (RU) El Diario de Bridget Jones II Sobreviviré (SV) Bridzhyt Dzhons: Mezhi rozumnoho (UA) Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason (US) Bridget Jones 2 (US) Bridget Jones' Diary 2 (US)