Central Partnership

Ненормальный | Russia
8.1 (14 votes)
Eight-year-old Nikolai suffers from a congenital illness that leaves him unable to walk or speak. His doctors and even his own mother, Tatyana, have given up hope of treating his ailment. When Tatyana’s new friend Yuri tries using his own physiotherapy techniques to treat Nikolai, he discovers that Nikolai has a gift for music and teaches him to play the piano. With every note he learns and every melody he masters, Nikolai’s condition improves. He not only gains mobility, he also becomes an outstanding musician. Nikolai and Yuri travel to China together to take part in a piano competition, with a view to taking the grand prize. This is a humor-packed story about the healing power of music and fatherly love.

Адам и Ева | Russia
7.3 (19 votes)
Marina and Viktor are the only people left in a huge city, perhaps on the entire planet. After the heroes had somehow arranged their daily life, they were faced with a much more serious question - an existential one. How to revive humanity? Especially considering that they don't like each other.

Холоп 2 | Russia
Grigory, the son of an oligarch, is fully rehabilitated after his humbling experience as a 19th-century serf. Moreover, he develops a strong sense of moral justice. When he meets a pampered young socialite named Katya, he is abhorred by her insolent escapades. Grigory transports Katya “back in time” to teach her a valuable lesson about humility.

Повелитель ветра | Russia
The film is inspired by the record-breaking solo trip around the globe in a hot-air balloon made by the world-famous Russian explorer Fedor Konyukhov in July of 2016. Throughout his remarkable life, Konyukhov has proven time and time again that willpower, perseverance and faith can help overcome fear and doubt, and lead a person to triumph.

Праведник | Russia
In 1942, Red Army officer Nikolai Kiselyov receives orders to evacuate over 200 Jewish women, children, and elderly men facing brutality and death in Nazi-occupied Belarus. These exhausted, starving, terrified and bereaved people, deeply scarred by the horrors they have witnessed, must trek hundreds of kilometers along forest paths to regain hope of survival and faith in the future.

Бывшие. Happy end | Russia
Yana and Ilya met during rehabilitation. According to the rules, they need to stay away from each other if they want to stay sober. But the feelings that flared up between them do not allow them to do this. They broke down, parted, sought happiness with others, but the further they ran away from love, the more they were drawn to each other. The story that Ilya and Yana will live in the film will allow them to finally get out of the vicious circle, give them a chance for recovery and give hope for a happy ending...

Чинк - хвостатый детектив | Russia
4.6 (10 votes)
Residents of Honey Valley are getting ready for their favorite holiday - City Day, when all citizens have the opportunity to admire a unique artifact - the Golden Hive. According to legend, it was found by the founders of Honey Valley, and legend has it that thousands of misfortunes will fall upon the town if the Hive disappears. On the eve of the holiday, the Beehive is kidnapped. The squirrel Chink, Sophie's owl detective's assistant, is blamed for this. Chink and his friends have to unravel the case, find the real crook and return not only the Golden Hive, but also peace to the Valley.

Либерея: Охотники за сокровищами | Russia
5.9 (259 votes)
While digging one of the many tunnels for the Moscow metro, Soviet workers unearth ruins of a dungeon. The site is closed, the metro tunnel is diverted, and amidst the bustle no one notices the tunnel workers’ foreman pocketing a little ‘souvenir’ – a book-sized frame made of precious metals featuring an inscription in an unknown language. Decades later, the foreman’s grandson Ilya, who works as a courier, discovers the ancient relic in a pile of old junk. Oblivious to the true value of the family heirloom, he soon learns about it from a mysterious stranger. The relic is the key to the secret location of the priceless ancient library that belonged to Ivan the Terrible. What Ilya doesn’t know is that the search for the lost library has been going on for centuries, and now very powerful people are after him. Ilya and the mysterious stranger decide to try their luck in finding the library.

Кто там? | Russia
6 (192 votes)
A knock on your door sets in motion the feeling of anxiety. Should you open? Who, or what, will you encounter if you do? The characters of this continuous-shot anthology film – a billionaire, a commercial pilot, a trainee police officer, and a young single mother – find themselves in critical situations, facing the unknown. To make the right choice they must look deep within themselves, and recognize the true source of their fears.

Дракулов | Russia
3.2 (106 votes)
Vampires appear in the Russian Empire of the 19th century. Count Draculov, originally from distant Transylvania, decides to buy a new mansion in Moscow. The deal is led by a young lawyer Pyotr Smirnov. During a conversation with the customer, Peter accidentally takes out a photograph of Varvara's bride, which the count immediately liked. Draculov leaves Petya in the mansion under the supervision of werewolf harlots, and he goes to Moscow in search of a girl. Peter goes on the trail of the count to protect his bride from a three-hundred-year-old vampire. The son of the famous professor, Vasya van Helsing, is trying to figure out all the further tangled events.

Брестская крепость | Russia| Belarus
7.5 (8780 votes)
A war drama set during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, in which Russian troops held on to a border stronghold for nine days. The film shows the heroic defense of Brest Fortress, which has taken upon the first stroke of German fascist invaders on June 22 1941.

Антикиллер | Russia
5.7 (1473 votes)
Former criminal investigator, Major Korenev, nicknamed Fox is released from prison. He has been detained there as a result of planted incriminating evidence of unlawful investigation techniques. Setting accounts with Shaman - a big criminal boss, who ordered the evidence planted and also with his former colleagues was not a part of Korenev's agenda. As he returns to Moscow he finds a new world ruled by underworld bosses, criminal clans fighting each other and utter chaos on the desperately keeping appearances streets of Russian capital. Facing death of his friends, Major Korenev decides to re-install law and order using some unorthodox methods that are only relevant in 21st century Russia.

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